Double Stemcell

Double Stemcell

什么是DOUBLE stemcell?
PHYTOCELLDOUBLE stemcell是使用瑞士植物干细胞技术的结合 - PhytoCellTec™MalusDomestica(苹果干细胞)和PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis(葡萄干细胞),再加上巴西莓和蓝莓所含的丰富营养,除了对皮肤内层有滋养外,还能提供一个显越的健康效果,以达到修复及活化体内的细胞,强身健体,延年益寿。绝对符合现代男女健康保健理念,安全,天然,轻便又方便。
DOUBLE stemcell之成分
PhytoCellTec™ MalusDomestica (苹果干细胞)
Phyto Science 用爱为您打造健康美满人生,以开创性“细胞新生科技” 源源不断激活体内细胞“心能量” ,从深层解读细胞之健康,还原肌肤年轻结构,缔造更加完美高贵的健康生活!

PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis PhytoCellTec™(葡萄干细胞)
PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis葡萄干细胞是一款以加迈葡萄(TeinturierFréaux)干细胞为基础的活性成分。加迈葡萄(TeinturierFréaux)– 来自法国勃艮第的葡萄品种,其特点是具抵御紫外线功能的多酚含量极高。
利用植物干细胞来保护皮肤最重要的细胞,即干细胞,从而延缓肌肤的衰老。PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis葡萄干细胞能保护皮肤抵御年龄增长和光所引致的衰老问题,延长肌肤细胞的活力,让肌肤呈现更持久的年轻漂亮。
在表皮干细胞的培养基中添加不同浓度的PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis葡萄干细胞一起进行培养,然后测量表皮干细胞的细胞群形成效率。
PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis 葡萄干细胞能显著提升表皮干细胞的细胞群形成效率(CFE)
巴西莓 (Acai Berry)
巴西莓在亚马逊素有“养颜浆果”的美誉,原因是它富含多种复合物,能使人体由内而外精神焕发,产生令人艳羡的神采- - 看得到也感觉得到。巴西莓富含花青素和类黄酮,所提供的抗氧化也比其他浆果更胜一筹。它的抗氧化物含量是银杏的5 倍,也比红酒所含的抗氧化物多33倍。不过,巴西莓的好处并非只限于抗氧化,它还含有丰富的奥米加脂肪酸,氨基酸,蛋白质,矿物质,以及维生素 A, B1和E。
  • 瘦身减重:巴西莓可以增强身体的代谢机能,清除体内重达无数公斤的废物和毒素。
  • 源源不绝的能量:巴西莓能够让身体获得充足的休息,早上起床时感觉更精力充沛,精神舒爽。
  • 促进循环机能,增强精神集中力和记忆力:可以改善血液循环。让脑部更有效率的运作,强身益寿。
  • 皮肤更健康,更添亮丽神采:巴西莓所含的独特复合物和抗氧化物能使肌肤变得更年轻 –看得到也感觉得到。
  • 降低胆固醇水平,增强心脏机能。
蓝莓 (Blueberry)
蓝莓(Blueberry),意为蓝色的浆果之意。一种是低灌木,矮脚野生,颗粒小,但花青素的含量很高;第二种是人工培育蓝莓,能成长至 240公分高,果实较大,水分较多,花青素含量相对偏低。全世界分布的越橘属植物可达400余种,原产和主产于美国又被称为美国蓝莓。 蓝莓果实的VMA(花色苷色素)对眼睛有良好的保健作用,能够减轻眼的疲劳及提高夜间视力。
蓝莓的果胶含量很高,能有效降低胆固醇,防止动脉粥样硬化,促进心血管健康。 蓝莓富含维生素C,有增强心脏功能,预防癌症和心脏病的功效,能防止脑神经衰老、增进脑力;对一般的伤风感冒,咽喉疼痛以及腹泻也有一定改善作用。
  • 具有保护毛细血管及抗氧化的作用。
  • 延缓脑神经衰老,增强记忆力。
  • 具有良好的消除体内炎症的作用,尤其对尿路感染、慢性肾炎的作用最为显著。
  • 具有抗癌作用。 有助于维持健康的肌肤,缓和皮肤松弛下垂和眼袋。

What is live cell therapy?
Live cell therapy helps to repair and regenerate human body cell, and therefore enhances immunity. Cell degeneration causes ageing in human, therefore by delivering energy from live cells to ageing cells, it keeps human body young and healthy.
What is Double Stemcell?
PHYTOCELL™ Double Stemcell contains different types of plant cell combinations by Swiss phyto stem cell technologies - PhytoCellTec™ MalusDomestica (apple stem cell) and PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis (grape stem cell), and is further enriched with nutrient-rich Acai berry and blueberry. It nourishes your skin from the inner level to give you a significant and effective result. DOUBLE stemcell also rejuvenates and activates body cells to raise energy and improve vitality. It is a safe, natural and convenient product for both women and men.
The Advantages of PhytoCellTec™ Technology
This innovative technology developed by Mibelle Biochemistry includes the following advantages:
  • Able to cultivate rare and endangered plant stem cells while honouring the Mother Nature
  • The supply of ingredients are not affected by the seasons and market demand
  • Ingredients are free of pollutions and chemicals
  • A constant concentration of metabolite substances in stem cell
The ingredients of Double Stemcell
PhytoCellTec™ MalusDomestica (apple stem cell) Uttwiler Spatlauber Swiss apple is a rare 18th-century species of apple tree which is capable of self-healing and has greater sustainability. It was discovered by Mibelle Biochemistry research team, and later the scientists of Mibelle Biochemistry have successfully developed the stem cell of Uttwiler Spatlauber Swiss apple. Unlike other species, Uttwiler Spatlauber Swiss apple’s stem cell has greater vitality. Research studies have shown that, a 0.1% concentration of PhytoCellTec™ could activate and regenerate 80% stem cells in human body. Besides, the epigenetic factors and metabolite substances found in PhytoCellTec™ MalusDomestica Apple Stem Cell have made a contribution to longer cell lifespan and greater stem cell protection. This magnificent result of apple stem cell has pushed the anti-ageing therapy to a new level. The unique effectiveness in anti-ageing and activating cell regeneration has made the product popular among celebrities, for example, the First Lady of the United State, Michelle Obama, Helen Mirren and Jennifer Lopez.
PhytoCellTecT™ Solar Vitis (grape stem cell)
PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis Grape Stem Cell is developed from the rare Gamay Teinturier Fréaux grape as the bioactive ingredient. The rare Gamay Teinturier Fréaux grape is originated from Burgundy region of France, which contains extremely high level of anthocyanin, therefore both the flesh and juice is red. It is rich in antioxidants which help to protect skin from free radicals generated by UV radiation. Therefore, PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis Grape Stem Cell protects epithelial stem cells in the skin against ageing as human grows older as well as due to UV radiation. It extends cellular vitality to keep your skin young and always radiant.
Acai berry
Acai berry is the renowned superfruit for beauty care originated from the Amazon rainforest. It is rich in anthocyanin and flavonoid, therefore has more powerful anti-oxidation effect than other berries. Acai berry’s antioxidant content is 5 times more than gingko, and 33 times more than red wine. Besides antioxidant, Acai berry is also rich in omega fatty acid, amino acids, protein, minerals as well as vitamin A, B1 and E.
Blueberry refers to indigo-colored berries. It is originated from and mainly cultivated in America, therefore is also known as American blueberry. The health effects of blueberry fruit VMA (anthocyanin) are reducing eye fatigue and improving night vision. Besides, blueberry has high level of pectin content which helps to decrease cholesterol level, prevent atherosclerosis and improve the health of cardiovascular system. The vitamin C content in blueberry enhances cardiac functions; prevents cancer, cardiac diseases, degenerative cranial nerve disease; develops mind power as well as improves flu, cold, sore throat and diarrhea.
Product features
  • Utilizes exclusively two different types of plant stem cells – apple stem cell and grape stem cell
  • Unique formula – ensures the product delivers maximum effect
  • Originally imported from Swiss – apple stem cell and grape stem cell
  • High bioactivity – the advanced PhytoCellTec™ extraction
  • Innovation Award 2008 European Invention
Product efficacy
  • Delays ageing process
  • Enhances health and vitality
  • Repairs and rejuvenates cell
  • Maintains acid-base balance within body
  • Anti-oxidation
  • Boosts immune system